Sunday, June 23, 2013

Blue Sky and Summer Flowers Series

Well, these photos were taken a couple of weeks ago technically in the Spring, but, hey, they're still pretty:)   
I really enjoy the bug's eye-view perspective along with the narrow depth of field. 
You couldn't ask for a more Carolina-blue sky...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Romantic Flowers in Mono

Something about flowers has me captivated.  In black and white, the delicate complexity of their design is evident, along with their supple texture.  A sense of romance and time forgotten...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Mimosa Tree

This morning, I took the opportunity of the soft sunlight, along with the full blooms, and shot some photos of the Mimosa Tree in my mom's front yard. 

While doing so, a beautiful visitor decided to stop by...

He flew in and landed directly in front of me like he wanted his photograph taken. So that's what I did. It was a brief few moments, but he posed perfectly. 

Happy Tuesday! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Black and White Sunday

Today, I feel the need to go back to my roots with a mini black and white photography study.  I can't express the overall satisfaction I feel when looking at a nice, contrasty black and white image.  Yes, I love color just as much as the next person, however, if that color does not help convey your message or get your point across, then it serves as a distraction.

The simplicity and delicate nature of the flowers, along with the detail of the spider's web can be seen here.  This image in color, while still beautiful, hid these details.

The next 2 images attempt to focus on the light coming through the translucent leaves, creating whole new layers of texture that are lost if left in color.   Focus on the shadowing effect created, along with seeing the details of the veins and other characteristics of the leaves.

Please, let me know what you think.  I would love to hear some opinions regarding color vs. black & white. 

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Fruits of Our Labor

Our tomato plants have flourished with all of the rain we have been having.  We actually have 2 cherry tomatoes that are ready to eat!!  We have 2 plants in the same pot; one is over 3 feet tall and the other, which is a smaller variety, is over 2 feet tall.  The smaller one has produced already and the larger one is working on growing big 'maters, so none ready yet.


2 ready to eat!

More on the way...

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Back Deck Garden

As promised, I'm back with some photos of our newly planted deck garden.  It's so wonderful to be able to walk out the back door and know we're growing our own food.

Now, the tomatoes have been planted the longest, hence the extra large size...


and we have about 8-10 little tomatoes growing, along with a lot of new flowers...                                                                         

Of course, we have a little zucchini...

and cucumbers...

some parsley...

 and a pepper plant we hung upside down (of course, my husband got the pepper and I can't remember what kind it is).

Now it's time to cross our fingers and pray that we can take care of these guys!!  I'm looking forward to some fresh veggies! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

To Market, To Market

I absolutely love Saturday mornings, going to the Farmer's Market and garden supply store. Today, we bought some kale & peaches, along with cucumber, pepper, zucchini & parsley to plant in our potted garden. I am so excited right now! I will post photos soon of the garden after I have it all planted:)

The fresh strawberries look mouthwatering sitting in their blue containers...

 A rug maker has stacks of rugs for sale...

I absolutely love me some Sugar Snaps...

A little bit o' kale....

some herbs...

homemade jams...

and, of course, peaches!!!